• Mis-measured Items at bargain prices

    Mis-measured Items at bargain prices

    If you have been eyeing a new door or window for your home, now is the time to go get it. The number one reason we do not buy the fixtures we want is because of their exorbitant price...

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  • Finding a trusted French door company

    Finding a trusted French door company

    French doors are a favourite with many home owners. They offer the chance to allow more natural light to enter a room, as well as easy access onto a patio, terrace or even balcony. They can add charm to your home, and the many different styles and designs available today make it possible to find abeautiful French door to match and compliment any kind of home.

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  • VAT Exemption and Reclaims Explained

    VAT Exemption and Reclaims Explained

    There are times when VAT can either be reduced, removed or reclaimed. Below we will explain the different options you may have available to you when buying products from ourselves.

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  • Choosing the right glass design for your front door

    Choosing the right glass design for your front door

    Front doors not only welcome visitors to your home, but they also provide you with protection and privacy. Whether you live in a contemporary or traditional home, when choosing glass for front doors there are several factors you should consider before making a decision.

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  • Replacing a Damaged Letterbox on Your Front Door

    Replacing a Damaged Letterbox on Your Front Door

    At some point, it's likely that we'll all encounter the need to replace a broken letterbox on our front doors. There are several reasons why your letterbox might become damaged or worn over time. These can range from a hurried postman, a low-quality letterbox, an overenthusiastic dog eager to deliver your mail, or perhaps one that's a little too keen on warding off intruders.

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